Hey guys it is very easy and simple indeed.Today  I have decided to share with you some information on how to create a login page using these two vibrant languages which are  commonly used by web developers and programmer,i.e PHP AND MYSQL.

To Start creating your login page,you need to have any web development IDE such as dreamweaver,atom or sublime and a local server  applications such as Xamp for windows,Lamp for linux  and Mamp for mac os.

Open your Dreamweaver and head to File tab ,then click on New file and select the new document  and click on create  button   to create a file with a php extension..
How to create a login page using php and my mysql
Then on that new file we will start by creating login form with simple text inputs for email and password. Like here below. The form should have a POST method so that it may send data to our database in which has  been created in MySQL  Also we need to have a submit button which we will use while posting our data in database. .You can also format your login form to look more interesting  with CSS.
How to create a login page using php and my mysql

After creating the two inputs and a button, it is our turn to create another php function which we will use to  verify the data which we have received from  inputs  if it matches with our  login data  in the database.

The function will run through our database table rows with a if statement while checking if the data it has received from the text field inputs matches the data in our tables.If the data from the text inputs matches the one in our database table,the user is authenticated to login  and access the index or home page.

If the data from text inputs doesn’t match  the data in the database tables ,then the user is prompted with a alert message that the either the password or email  is wrong and is returned to login page to try other login credentials.Below is a script of the login function.
How to create a login page using php and my mysql

Finally we will also need to  another php file called connection which we will use to communicate with the database and local server.Here is the code of the connection file.
How to create a login page using php and my mysql

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